Geometry of Chaos: Advanced computational approach to treating chaotic dynamics of some hydroecological systems | - Alexander Glushkov
- Viktor Kuzakon
- Vasily Buyadzhi
- Olena Solianykova
| eng |
Chaos-Geometric approach to analysis of chaotic attractor dynamics for the one-ring fibre laser | | eng |
On the topological conjugacy of two-dimensional homogeneous inner mappings | | rus |
A pseudo-spherical surface in R^4 does not admit two different Bianchi transformations | - Василий Алексеевич Горькавый
- Елена Николаевна Невмержицкая
| rus |
On the number of topologically non-equivalent functions with one degenerate saddle critical point on two-dimensional sphere, II | - Александр Анатольевич Кадубовский
| rus |
4-quasiplanar mappings of almost quaternion and semi-quaternion manifolds | - Ирина Николаевна Курбатова
| rus |
Quasigeodesic mappings of recurrent-parabolic spaces | - Ирина Николаевна Курбатова
- Ольга Тарасовна Сисюк
| rus |
Functors of finite degree in the asymptotic category | - Михайло Михайлович Зарічний
- Михайло Миколайович Романський
- Олекcандр Григорович Савченко
| ukr |