Volume: 17, Issue: 1, 2024
Показані 1-7 із 7 записів.
Назва | Author(s) | Мова |
Conformal recurrent Kӓhler spaces |
| eng |
On geodesic mappings of threesymmetric spaces |
| eng |
On Gottlieb groups G_{n+k}(M(Z^m + Z_2,n)) for k=1,2 |
| eng |
On new approach to semi-Fredholm theory in unital C*-algebras |
| eng |
Relativistic Schrödinger equation and probability currents for free particles |
| eng |
Spheres over fields, their entire rational maps and applications |
| eng |
Time-like surfaces with zero mean curvature vector in 4-dimensional neutral space forms |
| eng |