Volume: 13, Issue: 4, 2020
Показані 1-9 із 9 записів.
Назва | Author(s) | Мова |
Incidence coefficients in the Novikov Complex for Morse forms: rationality and exponential growth properties |
| eng |
On the generalization of Inoue manifolds |
| eng |
Reversing orientation homeomorphisms of surfaces |
| eng |
Rectangular diagrams of surfaces: the basic moves |
| eng |
On Rham cohomology of locally trivial Lie groupoids over triangulated manifolds |
| eng |
Olympic links in a Chebotarev link |
| eng |
Floer-Novikov cohomology and symplectic fixed points, revisited |
| eng |
A survey of homotopy nilpotency and co-nilpotency |
| eng |
International Conference Morse theory and its applications dedicated to the memory and 70th anniversary of Volodymyr Sharko (25.09.1949-07.10.2014) |
| eng |