About the journal «Proceedings of the International Geometry Center»
On the basis of the Odesa National University of Technology, with the support of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Odesa National I.I. Mechnikov University since 2004, an annual international scientific conference ”Geometry in Odesa” has been conducted. During the work the powerful group of scientists from Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Armenia, Israel, USA, Romania, Austria, Norway, France, the Netherlands, Poland, Turkey, Estonia, Canada was formed.
Important information! Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine №918 of August 18, 2021 Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies was reorganized into Odesa National University of Technology.
Registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. Certificate: Series КВ No. 13819-2793P dated 19.11.2007. "Proceedings of the International Geometry Center" is registered by the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting. By the decision of the Council №226, protocol of 1.02.2024№4 (Media ID: R30-02575)
The scientific-periodical edition "Proceedings of the International Geometry Center" is included in category "А" of the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine, in which the results of the dissertation works for obtaining the scientific degrees of doctor and candidate of sciences can be published (according to the Procedure of forming the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science Ukraine dated January 15, 2018 No. 32) according to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated September 24, 2020 No. 1188 "On approval of the decisions of the Ministry's Attestation Board on the activity of specialized scientific councils of September 24, 2020" tsialnostyamy 111, 113 and branches of knowledge of physics and mathematics.
The journal is publishing four times a year in Ukrainian, English and Russian languages. The aim of the journal "Proceedings of the international geometrical center" is to consolidate and support research in geometry, topology and dynamical systems.
- The journal is focusing on coverage of the most important problems in mathematics
and its applications, particularly in differential geometry, topology, mathematical physics and dynamical systems
- Algebraic and analytical methods in geometry;
- Differential geometry as a whole;
- Geometry and topology of differentiable manifolds;
- General and algebraic topology;
- Geometric and topological methods in the natural sciences;
- The application of geometric methods to modern problems of continuum mechanics, control theory, and mathematical physics.
Papers are published in Ukrainian and English languages.
There are no charges for publication.
Frequency of the edition – 3 times during the year.
The business model based on sponsorship support. The journal is published with the financial support of the Kyiv Mathematical Society.
All publications checking on plagirism by Turnitin.
Since 2014 our journal is published on the basis of the Open Journal Systems platform Open Journal Systems (OJS) which provides processes of editorial completion, publications and after printing support. Till December 31, 2014 articles can be submitted as e-mail and through the OJS platform, previously having registered as the user there. Since January 1, 2015 materials in the publication will be accepted only by means of the Open Journal Systems platform.
Current page on Open Journal Systems Link
The publisher of the journal “Proceedings of the International Geometry Center” is Odesa National University of Technologies
Support: Centre for Publishing Scientific Periodicals and Information Support Link